Webinar series CNR ISPC
Heritage Science on Air
Borders not Limits
July 8, 2024 | h 3.00 - 5.00 pm
Zoom platform
This webinar presents the research of three scholars and an artist on Egypt’s ability, through the millennia, to be a centre of propulsion and attraction, a place of contact and meeting, within the project Borders not Limits, funded by the Italian-French University through the Galileo Call and involves researchers from the Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and the UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerrannée–Mondes Pharaoniques – Centre national de la recherche scientifique.

Borders not Limits is a project financed by the Italian-French University through the Galileo Call and involves researchers from the Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and the UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerrannée–Mondes Pharaoniques – Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
The project was born from collaborative contacts between two researchers, Giuseppina Capriotti (CNR ISPC) and Gihane Zaki (CNRS – UMR 8167, SHS), who have been engaged for years in studying the two most important border areas of ancient Egypt, the southern one and the north-eastern. Since late prehistory and throughout the period of dynastic Egypt, these regions have provided important and very ancient evidence of intercultural contacts, phenomena of dispersion and migration, exchanges, diplomatic as well as political initiatives. These studies have led to an interest in ancient models of adaptation, contact, coexistence and inclusiveness, in the face of critical situations and relative resilience.
The seminar presents the research of three scholars and an artist on Egypt’s ability, through the millennia, to be a centre of propulsion and attraction, a place of contact and meeting. The webinar will be held on the Zoom platform.