Jemjim Archaeological Project

Acronym: JAK


Jemjim Archaeological Project aims to investigate the limestone hill in the locality of Mazarat Jemjim where the remains of a large productive area in use from the third millennium B.C. until the Persian period and of a burial dating from the Middle Bronze Age (with two chambers accessed by a square shaft) have been found. The burial, although plundered by clandestine, has yielded extraordinary materials (pottery, two inscribed scarabs, a cylindrical seal covered in gold leaf, a bronze arrow).

The project goals is to continue research in the area as it represents an absolute novelty for the knowledge of the preclassical periods in the region. It is also considered necessary to safeguard the site in agreement with the Lebanese Antiquities Directorate and the municipality of Kharayeb.

Project information

  • Italian project leader: CNR ISPC
  • Foreign project leader: Università libanese
  • ISPC Scientific coordinator: Ida Oggiano
  • Partners: Directorate General of Antiquities, Lebanon
  • Involved Countries: Italy - Lebanon
  • Site/Area/Case study: rural site of Jemjim (Kharayeb): productive area and tombs (Third millennium B.C. – Persian period)
  • Status: ongoing
  • Funding: CNR Joint Lab (2023)

For further information on the research topic, visit our Group.

Phoenician and Punic Research Group