1, 1961 – 108, 2023

Incunabula Graeca

The Incunabula Graeca series, created in 1961 by Carlo Gallavotti and open to the widest international collaboration, aims to illustrate the origins of Greek civilisation through historical, philological, linguistic and archaeological investigations with a specific focus on the Minoan and Mycenaean world.

Directors: Marco Bettelli - Maurizio Del Freo

Scientific Committee: John Bennet (Sheffield), Elisabetta Borgna (Udine), Andrea Cardarelli (Rome), Anna Lucia D'Agata (Rome), Pia De Fidio (Naples), Jan Driessen (Louvain-la-Neuve), Birgitta Eder (Vienna), Artemis Karnava (Rethymnon), John T. Killen (Cambridge), Joseph Maran (Heidelberg), Pietro Militello (Catania), Massimo Perna (Naples), Françoise Rougemont (Paris), Jeremy B. Rutter (Dartmouth), Gert Jan van Wijngaarden (Amsterdam), Carlos Varias García (Barcelona), Jörg Weilhartner (Salzburg), Julien Zurbach (Paris)

Linee guida per gli autori / Guidelines for authors

Regole di revisione tra pari / Peer review rules

Open Access Policy

Book chapters published in Incunabula Graeca are covered by a 12-month embargo, after which they can be published open access in institutional repositories under the CC BY-NC-ND (NonCommercial/ No Derivative Works) licence.


Latest Book Releases

The Legacy of Michael Ventris

Progress and perspectives in the field of Aegean scripts and Mycenaean studies.

SERIES: Incunabula Graeca CVIII (108)
EDITED BY: F. Aura Jorro, M. Del Freo, J. Piquero

PUBLISHER Cnr Edizioni 2023
PAGES: 368
PRICE: 59 € [Order FORM]
ISBN: 978 88 8080 612 7
ISSN: 1126-7348

This volume, published with the contribution of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (Spain), brings together 14 contributions on the impact that the decipherment of the Linear B script had on the study of the origins of Greek civilisation and is divided into three sections: one on Linear B and other Aegean scripts, one on Mycenaean Greek, and one on Mycenaean documents as historical sources. In the first section, some unresolved questions concerning Aegean writing systems are discussed; in the second section, Mycenaean Greek is analysed in the light of its phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical characteristics with particular reference to its relations with the Greek dialects of the 1st millennium BC; finally, the contributions in the third section focus on the relevance of Linear B documents for the reconstruction of the social, religious and material history of Greece in the Late Bronze Age.


Contare a Haghia Triada

Le tavolette in lineare A, i documenti sigillati e il sistema economico-amministrativo nel TM IB

SERIES: Incunabula greca; CVII (107)
AUTHOR: B. Montecchi

PUBLISHER Cnr Edizioni 2019
PAGES: 434
PRICE: 70 € [Order FORM]
ISBN: 978 88 8080 349 2
ISSN: 1126-7348

This volume, published with the support of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory of Philadelphia (INSTAP), contains the first comprehensive study of the Linear A archival documents from Haghia Triada in Crete. The 147 clay tablets and 1,000+ sealings, found in the excavation at the beginning of the 20th century and dated to the 15th century B.C., still constitute the largest set of archival documents from the Neo-Palatial period and represent the indispensable starting point for any attempt to reconstruct the Minoan economy


Mediterranea Itinera

Studies in Honour of Lucia Vagnetti

SERIES: Incunabula Graeca (Vol. CVI) (106)
EDITED BY: M. Bettelli, M. Del Freo, G.J. van Wijngaarden

PAGES: 402
PRICE: 50 € [Order FORM]
ISBN: 978 88 8080 340 9
ISSN: 1126-7348

This volume, published with the support of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory of Philadelphia (INSTAP), contains a festschrift in honour of Lucia Vagnetti, one of the most renowned Italian scholars in the field of pre-classical Mediterranean civilisations. The book contains 28 contributions on Aegean and Cypriot protohistory as well as on the relations between Italy and the Aegean world.


Aegean Scripts

Proceedings of the 14th International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, Copenhagen, 2 – 5 September 2015

SERIES: Incunabula Graeca (Vol. CV) (105)
EDITED BY: M.-L. Nosch e H. Landenius Enegren

PAGES: 878
PRICE: 120 € [Order FORM]
ISBN: 978 88 8080 275 4
ISSN: 1126-7348

This volume, published with the support of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory of Philadelphia (INSTAP) and various other foundations, contains the Proceedings of the 14th International Mycenaean Colloquium held in Copenhagen in 2015. The proceedings are divided into the following sections: 1) Scripts, Palaeography and Research Tools, 2) Interpretations and Contexts, 3) Philology and Linguistics, 4) Comparative Studies between the Aegean, the Levant and the Ancient Near East, 5) Historiography.


Economy and Administration in Mycenaean Greece

Collected papers on linear B

SERIES: Incunabula Graeca (Vol. CIV) (104)
AUTHOR: John T. Killen
EDITED BY: M. Del Freo

PAGES: 1288
PRICE: 150 € [Order FORM]
ISBN: 978 88 8080 151 1
ISSN: 1126-7348

This book, published with the support of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory of Philadelphia (INSTAP) and the Jesus College, Cambridge, collects John Killen's most important contributions to the reonstruction of the Mycenaean palatial economy. The collection comprises 73 contributions out of a total of 120 published by the author between 1962 and 2012, plus 2 unpublished articles, and is divided into three volumes (I: 1962-1985, II: 1986-2003, III: 2004-2012). The third volume contains a concordance with the original publications and three detailed indexes (Words, Logograms and Texts).


Italo-Mycenaean Pottery: the Archaeological and Archaeometric Dimensions

SERIES: Incunabula Graeca (Vol. CIII) (103)
AUTHORS: R. Jones, S.T. Levi, M. Bettelli, L. Vagnetti

PAGES: 588+12 colour plates
PRICE: 80 € [Order FORM]
ISBN: 978 88 87345 20 9
ISSN: 1126-7348

This volume, published with the support of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory of Philadelphia (INSTAP), presents the results of the archaeological and archaeometric research on Mycenaean and Mycenaean-style pottery found in peninsular and insular Italy from the 17th to 11th century B.C., a ceramic class that became increasingly important in the late Italian prehistory. Its importance lies in the fact that it reflects Italy's growing connections with the outside world in this period, not only with the Aegean but also with other regions further east. The discovery that this pottery was produced in Italy has suggested calling it Italo-Mycenaean. The resulting technological transfer from the Aegean to the central Mediterranean has important implications for the study of the social and economic developments of local Italian communities.