Jason’s Gold. Caucasus and Aegean in the Second and First Millennium BC.

Acronym: GOLCAB (Gold Caucasus and Abroad)


Jason’s Gold Caucasus and Aegean in the Second and First Millennium BC is an interdisciplinary and transnational research project, which continues a previous CNR Bilateral Agreement Italy-Georgia carried out in 2015-2018. The activity encompasses two main activities: the first one is to carry out a wider diagnostic and archaeometric investigation campaign applied to a selected group of gold and silver objects, dated to the Bronze Age, and stored in the National Museum of Georgia. These objects, which show close morphological affinities with some similar items found in Bronze Age Greece, will be analysed in the Lordkipanidze Archaeological Center, Tbilisi.

The second aim is to complete and publish the catalog of the exhibition "Italy and Georgia. A Story of Friendship" held in Tbilisi in 2018. An event of relevant public impact, as well as of great scientific importance, addressed to examine the long-term relationships between both countries since the Unity of Italy until the recent independence of Georgia post-Soviet. The exhibition, under the scientific direction of Massimo Cultrario, was opened in presence of Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic, and the volume includes unpublished and mostly unknown documents coming from different Italian and Georgian archives.

Project information

  • Italian project leader: CNR ISPC
  • Ente capofila straniero: National Musum of Georgia (Tbilisi) e State University of Caucasus
  • Responsabile scientifico ISPC: Massimo Cultraro
  • Partners: Embassy of Italy in Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Involved Countries: Italy-Georgia
  • Site/Area/Case study: archaeological collections of metals, dated to the Late Bronze Age at the National Museum of Tbilisi
  • Status: ongoing
  • Funding: CNR Bilateral agreements (2023-2024)
  • Project Website: work in progress