GCH 2023
Eurographics Workshop on
Graphics and Cultural Heritage
September 4-6, 2023
The 21st Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2023) will take place in Salento (Lecce, Italy) from the 4th to the 6th of September 2023, organised and supported by CNR ISPC, Fraunhofer IGD, University of Salento, and the EU funded project PERCEIVE

The Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH) aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and Cultural Heritage (CH) scientists to have a better understanding of the critical requirements for processing, managing, and delivering cultural information to a broader audience.
The GCH 2023 is organised for the first time as a joint event and in co-location with XRSalento 2023, that will take place from the 6th to the 8th of September.
A special interactive session will be held by the two conferences, jointly, dedicated to XR for Cultural Heritage, that will contribute to cross fertilisation among sectors. The events will run on site, with hybrid support only for registered attendees.
The entire 2023 joint event, including GCH and XR Salento is entitled Salento Conference.
The GCH event will run on site, with hybrid support available only for attendees and not for presenters.

Conference Topics & Call for Papers
GCH 2023 welcomes presentations of new research, projects, applications and best practices that demonstrate how computer graphics and digital technologies are impacting cultural heritage research, preservation, simulation, dissemination and promotion of sustainable cultural tourism. Specific sessions are organised to seek new challenges and projects involving different stakeholders of the heritage ecosystem. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome to the event. Focus of this year’s forum is to present and showcase new developments at the crossroads of AI technologies with rendering, reconstruction and advanced user experiences applied to the cultural heritage.
Aim of EG GCH is to foster discussion between AI, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, HCI and Digital Heritage researchers, in a collaborative environment with cultural institutions, scholars in the cultural heritage domain and creative industries.
We encourage the community to participate in the panel discussion on promises and concerns about the adoption of AI and reconstruction technologies by scientists and practitioners in the field of Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage.
For the research community, GCH 2023 will provide an excellent scientific forum to exchange novel ideas and groundbreaking developments as well as to identify future research opportunities. For practitioners and students, GCH 2023 will provide a unique opportunity to feed into technical developments as well as to identify new techniques and ideas which can be transferred into practice.
Types of Contributions
The event seeks different types of contributions including:
- Full Research papers: original and innovative research (max. 10 pages incl. refs.)
- Short Papers: research activities, applications or projects (max. 4 pages inc. refs.)
- Posters / Demo: overview of activities or national/international Interdisciplinary projects (2 pages)
This year’s GCH workshop will open up a new avenue and impact by creating a link between researchers with innovative ideas and scientific journals. Accepted papers will be published in the Eurographics Digital Library (EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage ISSN 1811-864X, since 2014: GCH: ISSN 2312-6124).
Works with a high innovation potential will receive a proposal to prepare an extended manuscript of their contribution (or extended version in case of Full Papers) to be submitted to a scientific journal.
This year, GCH is establishing dedicated agreements with the following journals: ACM JOCCH Journal, Elsevier DAACH, MDPI Heritage, Elsevier JCH.
Contributions are solicited within the following topics (but not limited to):
- Digitisation of Cultural Heritage resources, such as 3D scanning, motion capture, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging, etc.
- Semantic technologies for digital libraries
- Material acquisition, reconstruction, preservation
- AI-based view synthesis for ad-hoc 2d and 3d reconstruction
- AI-based material reconstruction for rendering and presentation
- General AI technologies beneficial for eXtended Reality CH environments
- Advanced Image Based Rendering techniques
- Collaborative interactive eXtended and hybrid environments
- Emotional and cognitive user experience design
- Visualisation, AR, VR, MR
- Multi-modal and interactive environments
- Spatial and mobile augmentation of physical collections
- Digital fabrication, including 3D printing and smart objects for tangible interfaces
- Virtual Museums, Digital Technologies and Applications for Museums
- eXtended Reality Applications for Tangible or Intangible Heritage
Submission deadlines
Remember to check “Journal” when you submit, if you are interested in Journal publication.
Short Paper
Full papers
Full papers
May 15, 2023
May 30, 2023
June 30, 2023
Publication on EuroGraphics Digital Library [Short4EGDL] and publication on Scientific Journal [Short4Journal].
For Eurographics Digital Library publications
For for the Journal publications